I started this blog years ago to do a study called 21 Days of Mom's Praying for thier boys. I learned and grew so much during that time.
Well the MOB (Moms of Boys) Society is doing it again and I want to do the blog again.
So here is the deal, go to the website http://www.themobsociety.com/2014/09/15/21-days-prayer-sons/ and sign up. If you can get there today 9/16 you can download the book for $1.99. Sign up, get the book and follow along. Each day I will blog about that days reading and prayers and you can just read along or comment and share your story.
Where are you struggling, where are you worries, where are you seeing prayers answered?
I am so excited and can't wait for October 1st!!
So share the webpage, get the book and lets go on this adventure of praying for our boys together!!