Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New Blog to Follow

I have found a new blog to follow full of wisdom and Mommy insite!
Oh and she also has some awesome giveaways!
Enjoy my friends! 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

21 Days of Prayers for Sons

You can get the ebook - on kindle or download it onto your computer for only .99

Order it for your friends!  Spread the word.  It is for a limited time only. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 20 - The Power of Forgiveness

From Brooke:
Tedd and Marge Pripp in their latest book, Instructing a Child's Heart , say "We give our children big truths they will grow into rather than light explanations they will grow out of."
Brooke Agrees and goes on to say
"That's why from the very beginning I've tried to teach my boys the difference between saying, "I'm sorry" and "Please forgive me"
The simple profound difference between the two lies in the person's intent.  When someone wounds me, inflicts pain, or generally does something that affects me adversely, it's either done on purpose or it isn't."
I'm sorry is allowed when the result of their behavior was an accident.
"Forgive me is used when one has deliberately sinned against another. 

Teaching this difference helps them understand the difference in behavior and in sin.
Praying for you all at we begin to come to an end in this journey. 

Day 19 - Salvation

Enought Said!!

Praying for Salvation for our Boys!
Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and beliece in your heart taht God raided him from the dead, you wikl be saved - Romans 10:9

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 18 - Anger

We are beginning the next section called When Hearts Soften
Brooke shares a wonderful story about her boys in the beginning of this section and it sheds like on where I am right now.  Nick asked about being Baptised the other day.  I asked him if he knew what it means.  And honestly He said no.  So together we watched our church's video for kids on Baptism and talked about it for a few minutes.  He says he understands and can answer my questions but I still have a check in my heart...I don't think he does.  I think he wants to do it because he saw how emotional I got when one of his friends did it.  There does not seem to be a heart connection to it at this moment.  So for now we are holding off.  And I am praying for the Heart Change and for Jesus to lead the way not me and my emotions.

Today we begin praying about Anger.  I pray that God is using this in mighty ways for you all and that your son's heart softens, along with your heart change!

Blessings My Friends!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 17 - Self Control

Choosing to not follow your own way...that one is hard for me in some areas!  I am struggling with my weight and comfort eating.  I have not been a very good role model on this one but over the last month I have been trying to change my eating habits so that my example is a better one for Nick.

Where do you struggle with Self Control?
How do you handle it?
What is your desire for your son in this area?

Blessings All!

If you did not get to be a part of last nights half way there party on FB.  Make sure to go and look up the 21 Day of Prayers for Boys page on FB and chime in.  There are prizes to be had, great offers on books and Amber is donating one of her awesome shirts as a prize.  The page will be open through the weekend.  Go check it out!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 16 - Gentleness

Boys and Gentle...if your son is like mine he can turn a stick into a gun, slays bad guys, good guys and anything that stands still.

Yet, I want him to be gentle in his spirit.  Gentle at the right moment and tough when life calls for it.  God knows the balance he needs, not me because I'm a girl and I don't get it! :o)  Which was evident by the fact that I told him if he sworded fought or "shot at" at anything else today he would spend the next week watching only shows with Princesses and Fairy's!  It did not end....

"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."  James 3:17

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 15 - Faithfulness

This is a topic that has changed my life in huge ways.  The lack of was the cause of my divorce.  It allowed a belief of rejection and not being worthy that effected my life for years.  My prayer is not only that my son will learn to be faithful to his family, his word but most of all the Lord.  I pray that our son's being filled with the Holy Spirit and walking in step with the Lord will keep him faithful in all of the other areas of his life!

"Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness..." Joshua 24:14

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 14 - Goodness

Today you have prayers for Goodness.
Brooke encourages us today by asking "What are you aiming for?  When your boys disobey, disrespect are unkind.  When they seek to understand what's important.  When they notice girls, cheat in school or fight on the bus.  When they're seeking marriage, failing in school or deciding whether to have sex for the first time or not...what are you aiming for?
I want their hears.  No behavior modification or fad parenting of the day.  No, I want the hearts of our boys because God want the hearts of our boys.  I'm aiming for the heart.  But how?

Matthew 23:27-28

New International Version (NIV)

27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
Looking at parenting through the lens of these verses has changed everything for me.  You see I was a Pharisee.  Boy was my cup clean on the outside. But on the inside?  On the inside my cup was filthy, full of uncleanness.
I had everybody fooled, even myself.  I believed that if I did good things, it made m good.  Actually, it's probably closer to the truth to day I believed that If I didn't do bad things, I wasn't bad.  I didn't know that no one is good.  I really didn't understand that everyone sins.  And I didn't understand the depth of my own sin until the Lord showed it to me. 
Question:  In our efforts to raise our sons are we teaching them that if they do good things they are good?Righteous even?  If we teach them that being good is all if takes, if our discipline and training focuses on their behavior, how will they know they need a Savior?
Are we raising little Pharisees? Or are we raising Godly men with a heart for God?  If a Godly son is your goal, you must aim for the heart.  Because unless the heart is changed - touched- the behavior will stay the same.  It might look a little different, morph some as they grow.  But behavior is always a symptom of the state of the heart.  What's in the heart, comes out.
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34
Ask yourself these questions:
1.  What parenting tools have I been using that only focus on changing the behavior and not the heart?  Am I willing to lay them down even if they produce what looks like a good child?
2.  Reaching a child's heart takes time.  Behavior modification is much faster!  Am I willing to change things about my life so that I have the time to invest in the hearts of my children?
3.   Most importantly: Am I willing to submit my own heart to God and allow Him to mold me from the inside out?
Shepherding our boys is not the the faint of heart friends!  Once a week or more I'm tempted to just throw it all out the window (including the boys...) and take the easier path.  So what keeps me going?  I want their hearts.  Just like my Heavenly Father want mine! (From Brook - originally posted at the M.O.B. Society.  Pg 29 - 30 leaders guide)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 13 - Kindness

What do you envision when you want your son to be filled with the fruit of the spirit of kindness?

I know for me I want to see that Nick's heart is sensitive to those around him.  I want him to be a champion for those that are hurting.  i want his heart to break for what breaks the Lord's heart.  But I want him to learn to have boundaries in that kindness and only do what God has asked him to do. 

I try to help Nick develop this sense of kindness by modeling it and following him when he sees something that needs to be "righted" or someone who needs a kind word. I want him to trust his heart and care for those around him. 

Enjoy today as you pray the scriptures about kindness for your boys!

Day 12 - Patience

Brooke encourages us today with this thought:
I'm convinced that God cares less about how much I accomplish in lufe...the 'great things' I do in His Name...than He does about how I respond to the things He allows into my life on the daily.  Some of the most accomploished in the Kingdom fo Christ are those whose names you and i will never know this side of heaven.  And greatness is only measured bu how well we respond to Christ in the little things.  Be patient for what God's plan is and not necessarily pursuing our own dreams.

Paul E Miller has this to say about greatness in his book entitled A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Disracting World:
"Underneath her obedient life is a sense of helplessness.  It has become part of her very nature...almost like breathing.  Why?  Because she is weak.  She can feel her restless heart, her tendency to compare herself with other.  She is shocked at how jealousy can well up in her.  She notices how easily the world gets its hooks into her.  In short, she distrusts herself.  When she looks at other people, she see the same struggles.  The world, the flesh, and the devil are too much for her.  The result?  Her heart cries out to God in prayer.  She needs Jesus."

"But whoever would be great among you must be your servaant..." Matthew 20:26
(GL page 25)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 11 - Peace

Today we are on the Fruit of the Spirit called Peace. 

Today this word has a sign of relief to it.

 I love that I live on the coast and really cool things happen here.  Today the Aquarium was releasing three turtles back into the ocean.  They were all rescued from different circumstances and nursed back to health and placed back in the wild where they belong.  But while we were waiting for this to happen I over heard a Mom telling the lifeguard, "I can't find my daughter"  To make a long story short the 6 year old was looking for her family and was walking up and down the beach looking for them.  She was found about 40 minutes after she had been reported missing.  Watching the mom who was distraught broke my heart.  All I could do was pray...and we did.  After speaking to a few friends turned out we all prayed about about the same time..."Jesus, you know where this child is.  Show her, illuminate her to the authorities looking for her.  Help her return to her Mom...In the name of Jesus, Amen.  About 5 minutes later it was announced that she was found.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!  When that announcement came a sense of Peace washed over me.  She is home.  There are so many lessons in that story today but I am going to stick to Peace. 
That Mom is resting tonight at Peace that her family is intact.  The details of the day dont matter, the dishes dont matter what does matter is the family.

Mom's take time to be at peace with your life.  It is not perfect, it is not going to be perfect but enjoy what God has given you.  Take that time to renew yourself in Him, go out with the girls and recharge, go out on a date with your husband.  Renew your self so that you are at peace with it, knowing God has you right where He wants you!  Work from a place a rest!

May you be justified by faith and have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1)

Enjoy your Saturday!!

Day 10 - Joy

Encouragement from Brooke:
 What is joy really?  And if my strength comes from the joy of the Lord (Psalm 28:7), then what does the joy of the Lord really look like? (LG pg 22)

As I type these words at 5:40 am having been awake since 4:30 stressing I am wondering what is joy and how do I find it at times like these.  As head of my household I am looking at a move that will happen days after I get back from a missions trip, a birthday party where there is still lots to do and physically I am still struggling with bronchitis and pneumonia, not to mention the 15 other small things on my plate...  and I am not great at asking for help.  Not even from the Lord.

So this morning I sit here speaking to the Lord, asking Him for that strength that comes from His joy and I am already feeling better.  Maybe that strength comes from sitting here in conversation, pouring out my heart and then listening and allowing Him to speak to me.  After all that is what I would want Nick to do if he was up in the middle of the night stressing out.  Wake me up, sit at the foot of my bed and tell me all that is worrying you and let me listen and let me help.  It would give me great joy.

God is good all the time and He has the answer.  Sometimes we just have to sit, pour out our hearts so it is not a distraction and then listen to His wise council.

I will be praying for you all, as Mom's, wives, sisters, daughters and Princesses of the Most High!!

Psalm 28:7

New International Version (NIV)

7 The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise him.  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Fruit of the Spirit

"Lord, fill my son's heart with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Amen" (WP ebook p 28)

Today we will look at Love, the first in the list of the fruits of the Spirit.  The Bible tells us that God is love, yet the word is used loosely in our society today.  We love our cars, our new toy, our new shoes, etc.  How can we make the word LOVE mean the true meaning from the Bible...God is Love.  What does that mean to you and your boy(s)?  How do you teach them just how huge that word is? And it is huge.  We have all had a situation where we have had someone in our lives that we really didn't love yet when we prayed for God to change our hearts, He did and showed us how to love and gave us that capacity.  Maybe that is the key.  God is the only one that can take that watered down word and make it whole again. 

God I pray that you show us Mom's how to show our boys the real meaning of Love and that You are love!  Touch our boys heart and show them Your love in ways that move their heart closer to you.  In Jesus name! Amen!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 7 - Honor

Afternoon everyone.  I had to fight IE-9 and I won!  woohoo...Just a little late.

When I think of Honor I think of the Office of the President.  It is a position that we Honor, we respect it, we show certain behaviors to the person that holds that office.  We stand when they walk in the room, we address them with certain titles and we look up to them. 

I also think of a Knight in Shining Armor.  In my house we love playing "Mighty Warrior".  I don't think I have ever spoken to Nick or let him know in some other way that he is the man of the house but he has taken on that roll.  He loves to rescue me from the mouse in the trap (I don't care if it is dead I'm not picking it up!)  I had a friend who told me about a book called "Raising a Modern Day Knight"  Has anyone else read it?

My desire is that our boys know honor, know how to defend his honor and her honor.
Today I've been praying "Our boys fear the Lord, and receive honor (Psalm 15:4)

Do you have any stories to share about your boys?  Any specific scripture jumping out at you?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Comments and Gmail

I am working on it but something is wrong with Gmail and Blogger and it is not allowing comments.  i'm working on it.  It is my desire that this has a flow and we all have the chance to learn from each other. 

I will let you know when we are up and running on the comments!

Day 7 - Servant's Heart

I love those words..."A Servant's Heart".  I want to have this and I want Nick to have this!  Jesus lead by serving.  He saw a need, heard from the Father and did it.  Today's scriptures on page 25 will help us pray for that Servant's Heart.  As I am praying 1Peter 4:10 May ___________ use his spiritual gifts to serve others, as good stewards of God's varied grace. I am reminded to pray that God shows him his spiritual gifts and that The Lord shows me where to guide and where to step out of the way. 

I'm praying for you all and your boys today!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Following Along

If you are following along and have not connected to the Blog will you do it so I know who all I am keeping up with and praying for!
Or email me and let me know

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 6 Purity

There are so many emotions that float around when I think of purity for my son.  Our boys (and men) are assaulted with visual images all day long that do nothing to help them with purity.  Nick is about to enter 4th grade and I have seen not only on tv but in his school little girls who do not dress in away that is edifying to boys.  I have been young girls flirting with my child in ways that for the life of me I will never know how they learned it.  In the world boys are made to feel like they are not a man unless they have had sex.  Having been a middle school teacher I have seen 11 and 12 year olds that are sexually active.  Did you know that the average age of porn exposure is age 11??!!!  Seriously!

Purity is another area that we need to pray about and arm ourselves with information on how to equip our boys in this area.  We have to be open and honest with them, shaping their view of what is appropriate and what is not.  "Putting it all in to the context of God's gift for marriage alone!"

So today not only do we talk to our boys and guide them we pray hard for them to know, understand and stray strong until they meet the young woman God has picked out for them and they get married!  Come to think of it I am also going to be praying for Nick's future wife in this area!

I am also hoping that my friend and fellow Mom of boys Tammy will jump in here and give us some comments and guidance in this area since she teaches abstinence in our school system!

"And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure, just as He is pure." 1 John 3:3

Day 5 - Late :o)

Well, thanks to bronchitis and pneumonia I have been down and out today!  Pray for my healing, I don't have time to be sick! :o)

Today is about Pride.  
Melissa Smallwood, who is creator of Multitasking Mama, says that her prayers have changed over the years.  When her children were little she prayed "God, help me be the kind of mom they need" and as they have moved into the tween/teen years that prayer changed.  "God, help them become the men you created them to be" is what she prays now. 

As Mom's we take such pride in our boys.  We get to be proud of their achievements and accomplishments.  We get to encourage them but we have a fine line to walk in showing them how to be proud of the job they did yet not take that on as their identity so that they become prideful in that activity or accomplishment.  There is such importance to make sure they are getting their identity in who they are in Christ and not from their worldly accomplishments.

I hope you have already been praying about Pride (page 23) today.  Again, I am so sorry I am late.

Day 6 is on the way!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 4 - Avoiding Foolishness

Today we are reading about Daniel and how he chose to honor God and not the King.  How proud his Mom must have been.  I too want that for Nick.  In the book Instructing a Child''s Heart, Tedd and Margy Tripp say this about foolishness:
"The Bible's definition of foolishness is concise. 'The fool says in his heart, 'There is not God' (Psalm 14:1).  If there is no God, I am autonomous- a law unto myself.  There is no consideration in life more profound than, 'What will please me?'  Children don't say those words, but such foolish thoughts are the underlying justifications for hundred of impulse everyday.  It is expresses in all the acts of disobedience, selfishness, willful temper and compulsive self-love "(p112)
BUT...The wise man, who fears God and obeys Him.

Today I am praying Avoiding foolishness.  As we drive home from our amazing trip out of town, together Nick and I will be reading these scriptures over and over again!!  Praying them for us and for you!

Blessings on your day my friends!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 3 - What are we Aiming for?

I remember hearing from a man on a talk show say "My Dad did not teach me how to live, my Dad lived and let me watch."

This is what I thought of when I began reading this days devotion and prayers.  Nick learns so much more from me by watching me and how I handle a situation.  Integrity seems to be a watched trait.  You can say all day long what they should do but if you are not doing it what will stick is your behavior and not your words. 

I remember a time when Nick was 5 and we were driving to see my Mom.  I was on the phone with my Dad and Nick was in the backseat.  I started to change lanes when I say a car that had been in my blind spot.  I quickly moved back over to my lane but not before the young man in the other car laid on his horn and began giving my the finger.  I was trying to wave to him and say sorry as he drove up along side of me...what happened next is not a stellar moment in my life.  The kid gave the 1 finger wave again and calls me a "b".  What came out of my mouth was down right ugly.  "I'll show you a 'b'" I said as I laid on my horn.  When all of that was finished.  Nick simply said to me "Mommy, not one bit of that was kind."  Not your heart, not your actions and not your words!"  WOW - he was so right...my Dad on the other end of the phone line was still there and laughing so hard he could not breathe!  I did take that moment in time and pull over.  I told Nick he was right and I thanked him for pointing out my negative behavior.  I asked for his forgiveness and right then prayed asking God for His.  I share this because a dear friend pointed out that had I not been teaching Nick the right thing, my bad behavior would not have stood out.

Today as I pray for Nick and all of our boys, I am also going to be praying for those that have relationships with our boys, that integrity is what they see from them all of the time!

Have a Blessed day!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Your Sons

Morning Moms,

As I sit here and begin my day I would love to know the names and ages of your sons so that I can pray specifically for them also. 

As I walk through Magic Kingdom today I will be taking my Prayers on Obedience with me and praying them for not just Nick, your boys but for all the boys I see.  God can move mountains!



Upload pictures to Flicker

From Brook:
Now something FUN! Yesterday I was glancing at all of the fabulous #21Days4Sons Tweets on Twitter when I came across something that ignited a flame in my mind.  One of our leaders, Kristi, took a picture of her sons and tweeted it to her followers and the 21 days twitter community calling them her “why” for doing the challenge.  I love this! So I created a Flickr group for our growing community of prayer warriors and called it “21 Days of Prayer for Sons – Your Why.” Don’t you love that?!
You’re cordially invited to go join our new Flickr group (FREE) and upload as many photos as you like of your “whys” for participating in this challenge! Show them off!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thursday, June 9th

Today we will look at Obedience and submission to Authority

"Children obey your parents in the Lord" Ephesians 6:1

As I was ready thru this topic I was really hit when Brook spoke about a conference she had been to and it was said "Ladies, if your man cannot submit to Jesus, he can not lead you.  A man must be willing to be led before he can truly lead."  It hit me because Nick's obedience is not just about me!;o)  I am truely helping to train him not just for his life but for a wife and a family.  The magnatitude is huge to me and i guess i never really looked it in this light!

Today commit to pray the 10 prayers in the submission to authority chapter.  Make a point of praising your son for a choice he makes to submit to authority.


Hey All,

There has been some confusion as to whee we were beginning.
Today we will be doing The Battle (pages 10-12)
The Word says that what's in the heart comes out of the heart eventually. Garbage in, garbage out. Brooke gives us a great illustration from a pastor friend of hers. He poured some water into a Styrofoam cup and then ran his hand into the cap so that the water splattered every where. He then asked this question: "Why did the water come out of the cup?" So what do you think? Did it come out because he rammed his hand up against it? Certainly a possible answer. But consider this: could it be that the water came out of the cup because there was water IN the cup? Thank about it...if the cup had been empty when he rammed it, nothing would have come out.
And so it is with our hearts. Life has a way of being that hand that rams up against us. "Life happens" If there is good stuff in our hearts instead of bad stuff then it is the good stuff that comes out.
Luke 6:45 - "The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."

Commit today to praying the 10 prayers in the heart change chapter during the day (page 12)

I am praying for you all and asking God to give you the strength you will need to persevere in this challenge and for Him to move in the hearts of all of your sons. In Jesus Name!

And just remember that your son is watching you and what happens when life runs into you...what comes out of your heart?!

Let's Go

Welcome!  I am so excited to be on this journey with all of you.  I went out and got a journal that I will give to Nick one day so that he can see exactly how prayer changes lives!  If you have not had the chance yet get the book Warrior Prayers: Praying the Words for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most.  It is in ebook for so you can download it to you computer and print it out.  Go to http://www.warriorprayers.com/

I want to take a minute to tell you a little about me.  My name is MaryChris Delcioppo and I live in Charleston, SC.  Yes, it is paradise!
I dated my husband for 7 years before we were married in 1999 and at the time we were not believers.  We tried for a long time to get pregnant and were unsuccessful.  We ended up in Jacksonville, Fl with a wonderful dr and a miracle.  My story of being pregnant with Nick is one for another day but one where I learned first hand that Jesus loved me, chose me and the plans He has for me is to prosper.  Nick was born in 2002.  1 year later I was diagnosed with Graves Disease and 6 moths later my husband decided he not longer loved me like he should love a wife.  In between all of that I moved back home to Charleston, became connected with an amazing church (Seacoast Church) and my relationship with the Lord has grown in ways I could have never hoped or imagine.

The reason this book and study hit me is because Nick has struggled more this year than in times past.  I realized that I have been more faithful in praying for strangers than I have been in praying for my son.  I am his spiritual covering and I want him to be covered and learn to love the Lord in great and wonderful ways!

I can not wait to get to know you all and pray for your boys in addition to mine! 

Take a few minutes today to tell us all a little about you and your boy(s).
(Keep on Fire)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More than we could Hope or Imagine

 These are a few of the boys I am praying for.  My son Nick, my nephews James and Joseph.  I also pray for my Dad but not the same prayers :o)