Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 11 - Peace

Today we are on the Fruit of the Spirit called Peace. 

Today this word has a sign of relief to it.

 I love that I live on the coast and really cool things happen here.  Today the Aquarium was releasing three turtles back into the ocean.  They were all rescued from different circumstances and nursed back to health and placed back in the wild where they belong.  But while we were waiting for this to happen I over heard a Mom telling the lifeguard, "I can't find my daughter"  To make a long story short the 6 year old was looking for her family and was walking up and down the beach looking for them.  She was found about 40 minutes after she had been reported missing.  Watching the mom who was distraught broke my heart.  All I could do was pray...and we did.  After speaking to a few friends turned out we all prayed about about the same time..."Jesus, you know where this child is.  Show her, illuminate her to the authorities looking for her.  Help her return to her Mom...In the name of Jesus, Amen.  About 5 minutes later it was announced that she was found.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!  When that announcement came a sense of Peace washed over me.  She is home.  There are so many lessons in that story today but I am going to stick to Peace. 
That Mom is resting tonight at Peace that her family is intact.  The details of the day dont matter, the dishes dont matter what does matter is the family.

Mom's take time to be at peace with your life.  It is not perfect, it is not going to be perfect but enjoy what God has given you.  Take that time to renew yourself in Him, go out with the girls and recharge, go out on a date with your husband.  Renew your self so that you are at peace with it, knowing God has you right where He wants you!  Work from a place a rest!

May you be justified by faith and have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1)

Enjoy your Saturday!!

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